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Dr Vin Samnang (Charlie), Program Director Cambodia

Dr Vin. Samnang is the Program Director of Operation ASHA (Cambodia). He is responsible for developing and managing relationships with the Government and local/international agencies working on Tuberculosis in Cambodia. He also leads the field operations, growing the program from 2 to 5 Health Operational Districts.

Prior to OpASHA, Dr Samnang headed programs in large international NGOs like Mary Knoll International.  He also served as Technical Expert on HIV/AIDS for National AIDS Authority in Cambodia. Dr Samnang has more than 10 years of experience working as a physician, providing clinical care and treatment to Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS patients in Opportunistic Infection / Antiretroviral clinics, hospices and hospitals in Cambodia and Thailand.

Dr Vin Samnang holds a Business Administration Management Degree from National University of Management and a Diploma of Doctor of Medicine from University of Health in Cambodia.

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