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Communities Operation ASHA serves are an integral part of its work. We deliberately call them clients, not beneficiaries, implying that those whom we serve should expect high quality professional services from our staff.

A large section of the population Op ASHA serves earn 20 cents a day per capita and are worse off than even the absolute poor as defined by the World Bank (income less than a dollar a day).

“I have been thinking every day of the slum that we visited. As I think of it now tears form ….the smell… , sewage, trash and flies…, the heat, the rancid pales of water, the public defecation, or the food being cooked next to trash covered in flies. I find it sad that a house pet in America lives better than these human beings. …Not even my cat would touch such provisions”, observed Tonya Mann, a supervision analyst at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, who visited recently. 

Operation ASHA is working only in disadvantaged localities. Many of its centres can be accessed only on foot.

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