OpASHA CEO Invited to present in a World Bank Conference
Mr. Sandeep Ahuja, CEO, Operation ASHA was invited to speak in the 2011 India Development Marketplace (IDM) Annual Event organized by International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank group, in Delhi (NCR).
As an IDM 2011 winner, OpASHA was invited to attend the 2011 Annual Event, organized by IFC, from 19th June 2012- 21st June 2012. The main purpose of this 3-day event was to bring all IDM 2011 winners together in an interactive forum to share their experiences as they continue to do amazing work in benefitting the lives of many under-served people in Bihar, Odisha and Rajasthan. Additionally, workshops were organized to deliver technical assistance interventions on monitoring and impact evaluation and design thinking.
As part of the Gala Dinner, on 19th June, Sandeep Ahuja was invited to deliver a 45-minute talk on Operation ASHA’s learning as the organization has evolved over the past few years. The presentation was well received by the conference participants. In fact, many of them showed interest in OpASHA’s highly innovative community empowerment model and wanted to see our eCompliance in action.
To know more about our model, please visit http://www.opasha.org/our-work/tb-treatment/