Operation ASHA: Hope for Tribal People!!
October 28, 2013
After traveling about 65 km from Gwalior city into its interior villages, I found myself…
Distribution of Groceries to Tribal Patients
October 24, 2013
Operation ASHA started working in extremely disadvantaged remote areas of Gwalior populated by indigenous/tribal people,…
An Opportunity transformed her life
October 10, 2013
If anytime you will walk into OpASHA’s headquarters, you will find a lean and fair…
World TB Day 24 March 2013
April 12, 2013
The World TB Day campaign is focused on individuals around the world who have found…
Operation ASHA: A Glimmer of hope
March 23, 2013
Several months after graduating college with a bachelors degree in Political Science I decided to…
Floating Tuberculosis Centers: A Step Deeper in Mobile Healthcare Delivery by Adapting to Local Conditions (Part I)
June 4, 2012
Also published on iCats Fellow Community Blog. Author’s Note: This is the first post in series…
World TB Day (24th March)
March 31, 2012
This World TB day, Operation ASHA was honored by the city of Bhopal for its…