Distribution of Groceries to Tribal Patients
Operation ASHA started working in extremely disadvantaged remote areas of Gwalior populated by indigenous/tribal people, in May 2013. OpASHA is serving a population of 50,000 and is treating 179 TB patients.
Recently, our Senior Officer visited the field, where he witnessed first-hand the miserable conditions in which much of the population lives. Many of the patients were dying of starvation and swallowing medicines without meals. A patient had not had food for three consecutive days. The officer and other staff pooled personal money they had and bought the patient food for a month.
On return, the officer shared the pathetic condition of patients with Operation ASHA family. We all joined hands to for food items like wheat flour, rice, cooking oil and cereals for such patients. Rs. 9,200 was raised to help 5 patients that were in dire need.
Below are the few pictures of patients who received support from Operation ASHA.
These staff of Operation ASHA has provided Mahatma Gandhi’s sentiments: “The simplest acts of kindness are by far more powerful than a thousand heads bowing in prayer.”
Please join me in thanking the staff who helped change the lives of these 5 patients.