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Operation ASHA’s model & eCompliance system have proven their quality in India & Cambodia. In July 2012 the technology was replicated by Columbia University in the rural settings of Uganda. The innovative, low cost and efficient system has worked remarkably well & proved successful. It has helped in preventing & treating Tuberculosis in urban slums, villages & tribal areas by bringing the treatment to the doorsteps of the underprivileged at no cost.

In November 2013, one organization named “Clínica de Familia” implemented eCompliance software in the eastern Dominican Republic.

“Clínica de Familia” is a non-governmental organization, is aimed at improving the quality of life of the poorest and most vulnerable populations in the eastern Dominican Republic by providing high quality health, education, and psychological support services to those most in need, including adults and children with HIV, sex workers, and adolescents.

At Clínica de Familia, the finger printing software is being used with patients who are co-infected with HIV and TB, and are receiving both TB treatment and antiretroviral therapy at the health center. Each time a patient with TB visits the center to receive their scheduled dose, s/he scans a finger using the reader, which is connected to a netbook with the eCompliance software. At the end of each day, staff people receive an attendance log and are able to quickly follow-up via telephone and/or home visits with any patients who have missed a dose.

As of May 2013, Clínica de Familia has registered five co-infected patients into the eCompliance software, and has had extremely encouraging results. Now the clinic can easily & quickly track missed doses of the patients and do the appropriate follow-up. Of the five registered patients, two have already completed their TB treatment successfully.

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